JarrettTibet037 - Guru.jpg JarrettTibet035 - ThumbnailsJarrettTibet038 - JarrettTibet035 - ThumbnailsJarrettTibet038 - JarrettTibet035 - ThumbnailsJarrettTibet038 - JarrettTibet035 - ThumbnailsJarrettTibet038 -

4 B&W photographs, trimmed, bottom left some discolouration; top left 11.4cms x 9cms, top right 11.5cms x 9cms, bottom left 11.4cms x 8.8cms, bottom right 11.6cms x 8.8cms

top left landscape stoney valley floor with ruined stone building possibly foritification and low wall and hills; top right Tibetan side of wall, stoney landscape with river and stone fortification in background with backdrop of snowy montains; bottom left, Line of Retreat. landscape of stoney valley and river, horse and man leading horse on dirt road; bottom right, dessciated corpses on side of road in stoney landscape [dead Tibetian troops killed in Younghusband's advance into Tibet]