Herbert and Charles James possibly - 1.jpg Government house location unknownThumbnailsHerbert and Charles James possiblyGovernment house location unknownThumbnailsHerbert and Charles James possiblyGovernment house location unknownThumbnailsHerbert and Charles James possiblyGovernment house location unknownThumbnailsHerbert and Charles James possibly

Possible Herbert and Charles James

Adam James
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1 comment

  • Adam - Friday 14 October 2022 15:17
    This photo exists in the John Morgan collection too, where it has the title "Herbert's Bungalow, Mhow 1886". Charles Streatfeild-James's youngest brother was named Herbert Lionel James and he was in India in 1886, in the Manchester Regiment. However, neither brother is immediatlely recognisable from this picture.