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4 B&W photographs, trimmed, slight scratching and discolouration, top left 12.1cms x 9.6cms, top right 13.9cms x 98.4cms, bottom left 9.7cms x 11.9cms, bottom right 12.0cms x 9.5cms

top left Chimbu, 6 sepoys in front of tent, 3 standing 3 sitting., from left to right, Sgr Nihal Singh, Sgr Wairam[?] Singh, Jemr Isar Singh Nat. Adjt Cr. & Q.M. Hav. Shah Md., L. Nk. Sohan Singh, unammed person far right plus three onlookers in background behind tent; top right Chumbi view of camp with tents and valley behind; bottom left On the road fom Chumbi landscape photograph of river and valley; bottom right Chinese Wall valley landscape with low cloud, stone wall with crenellated parapet, square block house guard house